Introduction of various Departments

Our electrical system engineers are among the best in Japan,

and every one of them takes pride in steering projects towards success.

01Project Management Department

Our Project Management Department contributes to the general management of massive projects.

Although electrical systems sound simple enough, there are a wide range of related fields, and each involves its own kind of advanced expertise.
In order for a contractor to smoothly and reliably create what the ordering party intends, it is also necessary to ask what kind of framework and methods to use when handling business as an agent.
It is therefore essential for us to hold detailed discussions with National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL), the ordering party, and then form consistent agreements based on them, and absolutely no deviations are acceptable.
In short, our Project Management Department contributes to the general management of large-scale projects.

Main work

  • Developing project promotion systems and coordinating with related parties
  • Managing project personnel as well as income and expenditure
  • Managing project documents and materials, and creating bidding documents
  • Promoting projects and managing processes

02Electrical Department​

Electrical power forms the backbone of high-speed train operation that is both stable and safe.

Our Electrical Department​ provides support to facilitate the building of electrical systems necessary for train operation in particular as well as the building of current collection systems necessary for high-speed train running.
This department uses a substation to transform ultra-high-voltage electric power supplied by a power company into the electric power necessary for train operation and then supplies this stable power to trains.
This department also allows for stable high-speed train operation and builds environmentally friendly systems with low electric power loss.
In addition, the department implements systems that consider safety, which enable the power to be quickly cut off in the event of incidents, including disasters and other problems.
Finally, employees of our Electrical Department​ started working in India ahead of our Project Management Department and Signalling and Telecommunication Department​​​, where they held daily discussions in English, we can really feel the progress of the project on-site.
In short, our Electrical Department​ is the core of our support to facilitate the stable, safe, high-speed operation of trains.

Main work

  • Managing the progress of electrical packages
  • Coordinating with National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL)—the ordering party—and construction companies

Photo : Copyright Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency

03Signalling and Telecommunication Department

【Signalling and telecommunication field】
Advanced Signalling and Telecommunication technology is necessary for high-speed rail because such technology saves lives.

The train travelling at high-speed requires a long distance to come to a complete stop after the brakes are applied.
Therefore, if the brakes are not applied until an abnormality is detected it will be too late.
Signalling equipment is essential for preventing accidents such as collisions and derailments thereby ensuring safe and efficient train operation.
In addition, to ensure safe operation, it is necessary to have an environment that enables constant command-to-train communication.
Our Signalling and Telecommunication Department​ therefore provides support to facilitate to build a stable telecommunication environment that achieves prompt, high-speed information telecommunication and is not affected by weather conditions.
The high-speed rail field in particular requires advanced Signalling and Telecommunication technology to ensure safe operation.

Main work

  • Holding discussions with National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) and construction companies aimed at achieving Signalling and Telecommunication package contracts
  • Considering technical details aimed at reducing the construction period for Signalling and Telecommunication packages
  • Coordinating with other packages (including civil engineering, architecture, electric, rolling stock, etc.)

【Automatic Train Supervision System field】
Our Signal Communication Department builds OCC systems that make up the backbone of train operation.

On any given set of tracks, multiple trains simultaneously stop and depart over and over.
These trains are constantly monitored to ensure that they run on schedule, and speed limits and other instructions are provided when there are weather-related disasters or other incidents.
Therefore, we provide support to facilitate the building of OCC (Operation Control Center) systems for managing work that includes ensuring stability while also promptly restoring train operation to the normal schedule.
The traffic management system field is extremely important in that it forms the backbone of high-speed rail operation by enabling the centralized management of events related to train operation to constantly maintain the optimal situation and safety.

Main work

  • Holding discussions with National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) and construction companies aimed at achieving OCC-system-building package contracts
  • Organizing information on conditions necessary for building OCC systems, types of operation, etc., and presenting it to construction companies
  • Considering technical details aimed at reducing the construction period for OCC-system-building packages and discussing such details with construction companies

04Administration Department​

Our Administration Department​ will be responsible for acting as the “hub” to support the project.

To promote the project smoothly and reliably, it is important to set up an environment that enables the engineers and other staff members involved in the related work to concentrate on their tasks and actively participate.
Our Administration Department​ is in charge of general administrative work—including establishing and running local offices as well as hiring local staff—setting up general affairs and human resource systems necessary to do business, and financial and accounting work.
Our Administration Department​ is therefore important because it acts as an overall hub for our company both by supporting the foundation of our organization and occasionally acting as a means for smooth operation by supporting projects.

Main work

  • Running and managing our India Project Office, hiring local staff, etc.
  • Handling cost management, accounting, and taxes for our India Project Office
  • Work related to human resources and general affairs
  • Work related to finance and accounting

Job opportunities

“Work that no one has ever done before”

We are always looking for people inspired by the above words.