Company information

Company overview and access

Company nameJapan High Speed Rail Electric Engineering Co., Ltd.
Address5-23-13 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
RepresentativeHaruhiko Kono, President and CEO
Description of business
  1. Handling Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor Project electrical package work (including Overhead Equipment, MV/LV Distribution Power Supply System, Traction Power Supply System, Signalling, Telecommunication, Automatic Train Supervision System, and Building of Electric Equipment Work, but not overall high-speed rail planning, supervision, and assessment or confirmation, adjustment, and other work related to non-electrical-package regulations) on behalf of the ordering party in India
  2. Other associated work necessary to do the business in the previous item
Date of establishmentSeptember 1, 2021
Capital248,000,000 yen
Investment amountsJapan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport & Urban Development Approximately 164,000,000 yen
Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency Approximately 165,000,000 yen
East Japan Railway Company Approximately 165,000,000 yen

Location on Google Maps


September 1, 2021Founded the company
October 1, 2021Initiated operations
March 20, 2023Signed a Delegation Agreement with National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL)
November 1, 2023Established the Gurgaon Office
February 8, 2024Held a signing ceremony for the first electrical package
March 1, 2024Electric Power Department employees started working in India

Organizational structure

Number of officers and employeesOfficers: 4, Employees: 45 (current as of May 7, 2024)
Office locationsJapan and India

(Current as of May 7, 2024)

Job opportunities

“Work that no one has ever done before”

We are always looking for people inspired by the above words.