Supporting India’s High-speed rail project
in the field of electrical system

Shinkansen photo : Copyright JICA
Track photo : Copyright Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency

Our mission is to support India’s development.

By using our expertise in the field of electrical systems, we are contributing to a massive prestigious high-speed rail project in the expansive country of India.

Each and every one of us is proud to contribute Japan’s technology to this project.

Fields of specialization

We are fully utilizing Japanese Shinkansen electrical system technology as well as our knowledge in this field to serve as a bridge between Japan and India by helping to achieve high-speed rail transport system in the expansive country.

Introduction of various Departments

Our electrical system engineers are among the best in Japan, and every one of them takes pride in steering projects towards success.

Job opportunities

“Work that no one has ever done before”

We are always looking for people inspired by the above words.